A chase ensues. In the lead is an adorable two-and-a-half-year-old running at full tilt. In not-so-hot pursuit, this out-of-shape Grammy. Why is my mind on Marlon Brando in "The Godfather?"
You know, the scene where is Don Corleone, played by Brando, is chasing a grandson through the garden. It is adorable and heartbreaking and ironic. The bond between grandparent and grandchild is warm and dear. Just when you think there might be one truly happy moment in the film, BAM!, Don Corleone drops dead! Right there in the tomato plants.
Okay, a bit dramatic, but remembering a few parenting skills is not the same as being twenty-something again. And Little Cutie was here for a week. Did I mention he is two-and-a-half? Read on.
Little Cutie is FAST. Put a Fit-Bit on him fast! Chase the dog fast. Face-plant fast!
Little Cutie is mechanically inclined. Two-seconds-to-learn-flashlight-functions-I-didn't-know-existed. Every button, switch, lever, doorknob, faucet, cord, and remote calls to him. So do we - "Nooooooooooo!!!!!"

Little Cutie is Busy. Every. Single. Second. Parachute play busy. Hide and seek busy. Pick up sticks in the yard busy. Flop on the dog busy.
Little Cutie is Potty Training. Going well (ha-ha), except when he aims at his socks or his jeans. We raised three girls. 😟 Grammy's new trick is called "redirect-the-stream."

Little Cutie Notices Everything. That his grilled cheese has Mickey on it. A Super Mickey cape. That we try in vain to read Hello, Ninja just like Mommy does. That he can outrun us.

Epilogue: The Brando moment will have to wait. No casualties.
D3 (a/k/a Mommy) was welcomed back with joyous tears and a happy dance! ( Little Cutie was glad to see her too.) Our little buddy was headed home.
Later, as Mr. Wonderful and I lay our weary heads upon our pillows, he asks, "So do you feel younger having had the little guy here for the week?"
"The truth?" I ask, cautiously.
"I was just lying here thinking that every single part of my whole body hurts. Even my hair."

"Me too."
And we can't wait for next time.
It's an offer we can't refuse.