Friday, February 19, 2016

My Vast Storehouse of Hindsight

Where to begin . . . and what should you expect?

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.” John Wooden.

Apparently, I have been doing plenty!  Marrying Mr. Wonderful. Raising three daughters.  Starting grad school at age 40. Moving ten times (NOT in the witness protection program). And, as my dear departed dad would say, I was “right up front” when God gave out the klutz gene.

A well-adjusted person would just move on with life.  Not me.  Inventing perfect do-overs is in my nature. Thus, I have accumulated a Vast Storehouse of Hindsight.  I cannot promise it is 20/20 (and sometimes I got nothin’), but now and then it might be better than what I did at the time.  So, I will share. 

Note to Self: when you find yourself in muck to your armpits, (a) you are not the first person step in it, and (b) it will not help to stand there and shout "why in the world did I walk into this??"


Time to don your big kid pants and hasten to Plan B (C, D, etc.).

And most of life's awkward situations will, at the very least, give you a funny story to tell.

Ask me.  I know.

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